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3.5 Million People on 6 Continents,

from all walks of life, have participated in Landmark programs

Who Benefits


We have found overall in our research that the kinds of people who participate in The Landmark Forum are those who consider life an ongoing opportunity:

  • They are people not satisfied with reaching a particular plateau—they see life as an opportunity to keep learning. Their interests may range from communicating and relating more effectively to going beyond their current levels of performance.
  • Others are curious. They like what they see and hear from their friends, and they want to find out about it for themselves.
  • They are people who have a high interest in shaping the course of their lives.
  • Others are interested in giving themselves a certain advantage or edge in dealing effectively with, and even embracing, change.
  • They are people interested in living life fully; in making the right choices and pursuing what is important to them.
Who participates graphic chart.

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